Elkhorn Archers of Baker City, Oregon...

Ekhorn Archers Mission Statement:

"The primary mission statement of the Elkhorn Archer is to grow and promote safe, ethical bowhunting practices."

Truman Carter Archery Pose - 1930's or 1940's

Elkhorn Archers was established as an organized archery club in Oregon in 1965 with only 3 members (Truman Carter, Frank Ward and Charlie Mosel). There might have been a few others, but no exact names could be found.

In 1966, the Washington Gulch Archery Range and Shooting Course was layed out and construction began. During the summer of 1966, the first Broadhead pits were dug with a work party of Frank Ward, Truman Carter, Charlie Mosel, as well as Frank Wards son, Ben Ward.

From conversations with Frank Ward's son, Ben, who was ten years old at the time, it took several weekend work parties to finish the first ten targets.

While under construction, the band of founding fathers used a Honda 50 to move equipment and 3D targets to many to the target locations.

The club hosted as many as 6 competitive shoots a summer in those days. Club members from La Grande, Walla Walla, Washington as well as members from other archery clubs in Oregon participated. At times there was as many as 40 to 50 participants on any given weekend.

In the Winter months the club hosted an indoor target range at the Baker City Community Center where ten indoor targets were set-up. Even in those days the Club was always striving to grow and promote the sport, as well as working with the youth on Baker County.

In the early seventies, Elkhorn Archers had grown in membership and was extremely active in promoting archery and bowhunting in Eastern Oregon.

In the early to mid 70's, the club sent a small delegation of members to Bend, Oregon to meet with Oregon State Fish and Wildlife to lobby for choose your weapon as well as to open the entire State to bowhunting. Prior to that only certain units were open to bowhunting. Elkhorn Archers continues to be a proud supporter of the Oregon Bowhunters Association.

Eastern Oregon Archery

Elkhorn Archers Today...

In 2009, the club wanted to be more involved with the youth of Baker County. In conjunction with the Baker County YHEC group, the Elkhorn Archers invited the YHEC group to shoot them during their Thursday night practice shoots. It was so well accepted that in 2010 the Elkhorn Archers took it one step further and offered an organized supervised instructional group setting just for kids. In 2010, this project was chaired by Creg Talbot with help from many of the club members. It has been a resounding success (See pictures)

The group continues to host the annual Father's Day Shoot at the Washington Gulch range, as well as one of the Co-host's of Eastern Oregon Supper Shoot in August. The Eastern Oregon Super Shoot hosts as many as 300 participants from all over the West. It is a 2 day affair and is held annually at Anthony Lake Ski resort. This is an family event that many make part of the annual summer "must do's". There is no other competitive event that takes place in a more beautiful setting.

In 2009, the Elkhorn Archery Club, in a effort to be more visible in the community purchased their own storage for targets and equipment. Thanks to many of the local businesses, their names and company logos are presented on the sides. This trailer is entered in all the local parades, as wells driven in the community to not only promote our sponsors, but to show the Elkhorn Archers commitment to their community.

Goals for the future, are as always:

  • To be true to our primary mission statement.
  • To continue to grow the youth program.
  • To continue to be more visible in our community
  • To pusue establishing a program similar to "Archery in the Schools" program (sponsored by Mathews Archery Company).
  • To continue to grow and promote safe, ethical bow hunting and archery practices.

Baker City Archery Youth Program

Elkhorn Archers
PO Box 664
Baker City, OR 97814

Twilight Bow Hunter

Bob Reedy 541-403-1352

Vice President:
Creg Talbott 541-519-4001